Palau Guell

The Palau Guell was built between 1886 and 1890 for one of the wealthiest businessmen in Barcelona, Eusebio Guell. It was the beginning of the patronage thatGuell bestowed on Gaudi and resulted in one of the mist lavish dwellings in the City. The entry accomodated coaches being driven into the building and then stored inside whilst dignatories were entertained. Horses were led down to the basement which was constructed from unique foundations producing a beautiful brick finished space. As can be seen, no expense was spared. The interior contains a private chapel with an amazing domed roof which allows air circulation and light to all 3 intermediate floors. Again the ability of Gaudi to select the finest materials and have them complimented by extreme craftmanship makes this one of the most beautiful houses in Barcelona.  There is a brilliant display of chimneys on the roof.


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